2022: Another Year Another Blog
2022: Another Year Another Blog Happy New Year. Here's to another year of PhD woes. I say woes, I don't mean it. When I get a chance to sit down and get my teeth into research I actually really enjoy it. I wouldn't even say I don't enjoy writing. I love getting my research on paper and bringing it all together. However, it can be quite tedious and frustrating at times. Just to update you, I started this PhD in October 2019 bc (before Covid). I've been through transfer and now the world is my oyster until October 2025, which is my final deadline. I don't make new years resolutions but I do try to make plans. My plans for this year (particularly as I have big chunks when I won't be working so can focus on my PhD) are: Reach 40,000 words by the end of the year Write drafts for at least two chapters Visit Northamptonshire Records Office, the Women's Library and The National Archives Present at least two seminar papers (one of these is already planne...